It’s That Time of Year…

Blog Posts - Hello friends! With Halloween just around the corner, I thought I’d share my favorite video of the season with you. If you haven’t seen this before, you are in for a spooky treat!! What you are about to see needs...

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It’s That Time of Year…

5 Things I’m Expecting from the Stewart/Colbert Rally

Blog Posts - Hey gang, this Saturday America’s most beloved fake news men are throwing the Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear.  They already have over 200,000 confirmed facebook attendees so it’s gonna be a big one.  Pretend journalists will rule the day...

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5 Things I’m Expecting from the Stewart/Colbert Rally

Super Improv Fighter III: Streets of ComedySportz

Blog Posts - Check out the trailer for the awesome new game we’re developing at Octavarius Entertainment Studios. It’s so coincidental that we’re having a video game themed improv comedy show this Sunday at 7pm at ComedySportz Chicago. (929 W Belmont Ave). Unfortunately,...

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Super Improv Fighter III on Octavarius

Our apartment has become a museum of nonsense.

Blog Posts - If you’ve ever been to Brian, Marc, Tinz and I’s apartment, you know that it is essentially a playhouse.  We have toys, hats, dumb posters, stuffed animals, 5 american flags, snuggies, board games, video games, statues, jugs of candy, and...

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Our apartment has become a museum of nonsense.

Facebook Patriots Boycott Campbell’s Soup to Defeat Muslims

Blog Posts - Do you love being pissed off and afraid all the time but are running out of everyday things to feel threatened by?  Well have I got a facebook group for you! A group of proud, common-sense patriots have formed a...

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Facebook Patriots Boycott Campbell’s Soup to Defeat Muslims

BUSCOW is coming. Who is Buscow?

Blog Posts - In these trying times of Octavarius’s Separation, three mysterious figures have erupted from the depths of mystery.  They call themselves “Buscow” and their sole mission is to bring Octavarius back together. This Sunday.  Comedy Sportz.  7 PM.  Be There.

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Grandpa Factory Teaches Octavarius To Kick It Old School

Blog Posts - Grandpa Factory, the wisest and most ornery of the groups competing for control of Octavarius, has made some pretty serious threats that involve baby food. Anyone who stands in their way will get a earful of their war stories and...

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The Zev Senesca Memorial Players Play to Win This Sunday at the Nefarious Battle Royal

Blog Posts - Nick Mikula and myself have joined forces to form the Zev Senesca Memorial Players. Our two man fleet of improv destruction flies in honor of Zev Senesca, Rebel Pilot and member of the Rogue Squadren during the Battle of Hoth...

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Could this be the End of Octavarius?

Blog Posts - Last night, after the show, two Octavarius members “Stylin'” Brian Wohl and Colonel Tinz, dropped a bomb on the rest of the group. They told us that as of Monday morning they were filing “Irreconcilable Differences” and under our Articles...

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Rick Sanchez Fired Just Because He’s Embarrassing and Went on an Anti-Semetic Rant

Blog Posts - CNN has fired their top slow-witted news hunk, Rick Sanchez for anti-semetic comments.  During a radio interview yesterday Rick called Jon Stewart a bigot and suggested that CNN is run by Jews. Rick is known for being good looking and saying...

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Rick Sanchez Fired Just Because He’s Embarrassing  and Went on an Anti-Semetic Rant
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