Blog Posts - I love a good baseball game, but I know what you’re all thinking when you’re watching the sport: “Not enough science for me.” Right? Wrong. Take twelve minutes out of your busy day and learn a few things about the...
Cartoon: Commie Obama Riding a Raptor
Blog Posts - I made this at work the other day for our “Squash Glenn Beck” character. We asked people to fill in the thought bubble. There were a lot of different responses, and I wanted to see what you guys thought. What...
Awkward Boners lets everyone in on the fun!
Blog Posts - A favorite of many with a silly sense of humor, Awkward brings you the best in boners at uncomfortable times and places. You also can rate if the boner is understandable or AWKWARD! Here are a few of my...
Can You Digg It? Our Word of the Day Campaign That Is.
Blog Posts - Today we found our make “boner” the Oxford English Dictionary Word of the Day campaign on Digg. Please help it go as far as possible. If we can get Digg to notice us, the OED won’t hold out for long!...
Batman has a Boner and he’s fantastic!
Blog Posts - The following is one of the best fan films of all time. It, notably, stars the late Andrew (Boner from “Growing Pains”) Koenig in a fantastic performance as The Joker. Enjoy! And don’t forget to share and support our campaign...