Blog Posts - Me: A 24-year-old male who went to Tennessee recently and, with the help of LP and Keith, crafted a new game similar in many respects to both darts and bowling. The game involved Nerf guns and a game board adapted...
A Twilight Parody for Lauren
Blog Posts - If you’ve heard Lauren on our podcasts, or read her posts, you will know that she is looking for a nice Jewish vampire to marry. I hope for her sake it doesn’t go like this:
Cleverbot is just as big of a loser as I am
Blog Posts - The following is a conversation I had with Cleverbot, the amazing learning application that has conversations with people, and I wasted this amazing interaction with this new being like this: Cleverbot: Do you know what love is? User: Yes. Cleverbot:...
I’m sorry.
Blog Posts - NOT!!!! Yes, I just made a “Not” joke and you will drink it up. Thanks to Nico Dimattia and his wacky celebrity paintings
You’re Welcome.
Blog Posts - Will Smith Fan Art Points!!!!! Suck it everyone!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! BWo rides again! Thanks to The Huffington Post for alerting the world to this painting
Podcast: I Want (to talk about various aspects of) Candy
Blog Posts - Our good friend Scott “Scotch Dape” Danielson brought us a case of Fun Dip to the last podcast recording. (Seriously, you’ve never seen more Fun Dip in your life.) Now we’ve got candy on our brains. And powder-covered candy sticks...
KFC Double Down- A Video Review.
Blog Posts - Back when the double down first came out, I decided I would try to eat it. This is a 3 part video of before, during, and after the consumption of the Double Down. Yeah. It’s gonna be gross.
Robert helps us learn
Blog Posts - A little while ago Robert and I went to the Shedd Aquarium. Robert helped me learn about the sea life there, and now he can help you too! This is just one of the wonderful things that Robert has brought us....
The Final Things Are Different With Bananas
Humorous Videos - The wait is over. We have finally reached the conclusion of our epic series, Things Are Different With Bananas. This is all of Things Are Different With Bananas in order. You have to watch all the way through to get...