Blog Posts - Maybe this is an old invention, but I just found it. Disney also just invested in Hulu, which means that we’ll start getting ABC TV shows and Disney owned movies for free too.
The Perks of Being A Celebrity (pt. 2)
Blog Posts - When you’re a celebrity, you can just go ahead and mess with whoever you want and tell them that they’re on a show and it’s ok. The following video is a double-whammy. It not only incorporates the aforementioned principle of...
It’s okay to like Lady Gaga
Blog Posts - Lady Gaga plays “Poker Face” accoustic. I first saw Lady Gaga on Leno I think. She and her band dressed like they were from the future (where apparently no one wears pants) and they danced like crazy people. It was...
Why yes, we do own Snuggies!
Blog Posts - Marc, Brian, and I have been discussing for months how cool it would be to all own Snuggies. Not cool like convertibles and expensive haircuts are cool….I mean cool like wearing lab coats and drinking out of Erlenmeyer flasks is...
Finally, the Bulls Have a New Villain!
Blog Posts - For so long, NBA basketball in Chicago has been lacking here in Chicago. Many arguments have been made about which and how many elements NBA basketball has been lacking here in Chicago. I feel that something people have been ignoring...
We are in the fight of our lives!
Blog Posts - In the safety and comfort of my new apartment, I have discovered propaganda used by both sides of the swine war. Who will win? vs. In the coming days, I will report more. Good Night and Good Luck.
The Perks of Being A Celebrity (pt. 1)
Blog Posts - Celebrity is something that picques all of our interests. It generates a reaction, positive or negative, from everyone. I, personally, am fascinated with the perks of being a celebrity. Mainly, the ability to do whatever you want, wherever you want,...
Claymore, Eleanor, and Octavarius photo
Blog Posts - This picture was taken right after the improv show last night. Thanks Claymore for immortalizing the moment for all.
This. Man. Is. Terrifying.
Blog Posts - Thanks to Amy for infecting me with the knowledge of this man’s existence. He has a host of other videos, nearly all of which are just about as high up on the creepy scale.
Painter depicts Barack Obama as Jesus Christ
Blog Posts - Thanks to Peter Goldberg for sending this link from O Globo. In Rio, painter Michael D’Antuono, created this depiction of Barack Obama posed as Jesus Christ. I don’t know how I feel about this. I am not religious, and back...