Blog Posts - This is my followup to Shogan’s Play em’ off Keyboard Cat post. The Daily Show With Jon Stewart M – Th 11p / 10c Daily/Colbert – Keyboard Cat Daily Show Full Episodes Economic Crisis Political Humor
Family Matters is Crazy.
Blog Posts - the ...
How is it that Tim “The Tool Man” Taylor can book astronauts on Tool Time?
Blog Posts - Seriously. EDIT: In this same damn episode, Tim’s son is taking flying lessons from Wilson. FLYING LESSONS. This show is ridiculous. EDIT: In the outtakes at the end of the episode, Tim presses a button on his set, retracting a...
Play em’ off Keyboard Cat
Blog Posts - Keyboard Cat, treadmill, Christians, Cat, Christmas...
Geeky wedding planning guide: Shrek, Star Wars, and everything in between
Blog Posts - Here’s one for the ladies and gentlemen out there looking to plan the most important day of their lives, and forever estrange their parents. Jennifer Beese compiled this guide of tips and examples for geeky brides from castle cakes to...
RIP Star Wars
Blog Posts - 10 years ago today, The Phantom Menace opened in theatres and my childhood died. Let us take a moment of silence for the 10 year anniversary of the death of Star Wars.
Why Heinz Should Hire Keith
Blog Posts - A while back, I made some Heinz Ketchup commercials for a Heinz commercial contest. I didn’t win. These are some of my commercials. If you go to youtube through one of those links, there are a few more. These are...
Top 9 people I wouldn’t lend money to
Blog Posts - # 9) Danny Ocean Not only will I not get it back, but this guy will have sex with the woman I love. #8) Porter -He only wants his half back (wont even make a profit on -Avoids sex with...
What is the best date movie?
Blog Posts - I was told once that Matrix Reloaded is the perfect date movie, because it sucks just the right amount. Dates are interested in seeing it for it’s relation to The Matrix, a tolerable movie, but they get bored quickly. And...
Octavarius show tonight at The Spot
Blog Posts - Tonight Octavarius will be dropping by The Spot at 8pm to play before the Red Ink Theater’s “I Never.” Tickets are $5 and include 1 drink if I remember right. We’re going to have an obscene amount of fun,...