Blog Posts - Friends, lovers, patriots, the windy city is being attacked! I am at work, hiding under my desk. I have been hearing sounds of Jets flying around Chicago. I fear for my life. Have I lived a life of regrets? Have...
The truth about strip poker
Blog Posts - I have been enjoying the Red Eye most morning now that I have an extended train commute. But sometimes an article or two does not live up to their usual standards. Yesterday the second column in the paper was titled,...
The Ballad of GI Joe
Blog Posts - I may not be a fan of the new GI Joe movie. But that is because it’s probably no where near as creative as this: The Ballad of G.I. Joe from Olivia Wilde
Office Cribs – Google in Chicago
Blog Posts - I just discovered the Red Eye’s new segment, Office Cribs. The Red Eye, if you’re not familiar, is Chicago’s “more accessible” newspaper, which means it’s free, full of celebrity stories, and all the real news is two days behind. But...
The show that robots built
Blog Posts - On July 13, 2009 we did a show on the suggestion “Robots”. This is that show. Featured below are some of the highlights from that night. To get the full show, go to iTunes and search Octavarius. Our podcast has...
Improviser showcase: Tracy Morgan
Blog Posts - The core members of Octavarius are all improvisers. We wish for a day to be noticed and asked to do our wacky antics on the big screen. The ability to do movies that allow us to embody a character and...
‘Just a Friend’ the literal music video
Blog Posts - Literal music videos are popping up everywhere these days. Some of the best include Under the Bridge and Total Eclipse of the Heart. Here’s the newest I’ve come across. Take it away Biz Markie!
Megan is SO old.
Blog Posts - Megan is so old that she wears a toupee for her bush. The inspiration for this joke is that Marc’s girlfriend’s birthday was Sunday and I thought of a joke for her birthday. I don’t want to completely embarrass her,...
Gargamel: The Man Behind the Monster
Blog Posts - Everyone knows who Gargamel is. Gargamel is an “evil” wizard and the sworn enemy of the Smurfs. With his trademark catchphrase, “I hate those Smurfs!” Gargamel strikes utter terror into the hearts of the blue men and woman of Smurf...