Some of you know this already, but for those of you who don’t know, I tour with Mission Improvable during most of the school-year months. Because of this, when finals time for colleges comes, I don’t have any shows and am often home for a few weeks with nothing to do.
I’d like to show you some of the things I do when I am at home.
Project 1: The Cat Wall
My brother Brian came to visit me over the summer, and with him he brought a hologram cat picture. Since then, I’ve begun collecting weird cat posters and post cards to take over a small section of wall in our house.

It's really taking shape.

I wonder sometimes if that white cat has been taxidermied.

I paid 6 bucks for this.

This is on the closet door just to the left of the cat wall.
So that’s the cat wall. It will be growing over the next few months.
Project 2: Fort Night
This past monday night, after Octavarius practiced and podcast-ed, BWo, Cloud and I had a sleepover! We watched Good Burger, drank, and then decided to make a kick-ass fort.

Pretty sick.
The internal structure included a cozy nook, an upstairs (couch), a living room (with microphone stands used as main roofing support), and a grand entrance. There was also a secret door leading out the back. That’s how we got to the beer!
We had a small light inside the living room, and we also had the octavarius puppet hung upside-down as a support so that we could use his light up eye as an additional little lamp! The TV was also within the fort, but you could only see the lower half.

Inside the living room of the fort. The back left corner of the picture leads out to the beer.

the iphone doesn't take great dark pictures, but there's the octavarius eye.
To complete our sleepover-party, we played skip-bo (a card game that includes neither skipping or bo-ing) and then we all slept inside the fort. It was cold and difficult, but it was awesome.
Making forts was a lot of my childhood. Every so often I make forts with friends. I go all out. I made a few in college with my good friend Klahsio. The last 5 forts I have made have been big enough to house about 5-6 people pretty comfortably.
If you would like to make a fort with me, I’m game.
Project 3: Paper Mache Cow Points
If you know us, you know we like pulling very minor pranks on each other and referring to them as ______ points. It began with sneak points, switched to Vanilla points, went into Will Smith points, and now has arrived at Paper Mache Cow Points.
To play, you will first need to find or make a paper mache cow.

Then, just place it somewhere for someone else to find!

Like in the hallway next to the hallway hammer!

Or in the shower! Hopefully, Tinz will find this one tonight.
Anywhere you put the cow = awesome. It’s such a hassle to moove (see what I did there?) around. So funny. Funnyfunnyfunny.
So that’s what I’ve been up to.
Childish behavior.