Suck it Tina Fey. Your career is over. Now that Sarah Palin has a reality show there’s just nothing to make fun of her about anymore.
You see, Sarah Palin premiered “Sarah Palin’s Alaska” on TLC this week. America’s folksiest facebook grandma, her slutty daughter and the rest of her millionaire family are out to restore America’s honor with a bold new reality tv show. In the past reality television shows have gotten a bad rep for glorifying the irresponsible actions of horrible, self-obsessed, mildly attractive goons who otherwise contribute nothing to society.

I wonder what the odds in Vegas are for one of the Palins getting punched in the face in the near future
But the days of rewarding vapid morons for saying dumb things on tv are over! Now that Sister Sarah has turned her family into a reality tv show all the haters will finally realize she is capable and dignified enough to lead the free world in 2012. After all reality tv is as American as apple pie, baseball, and sandwiches where fried chicken is used as bread.
The most American part of Palin’s reality show: the theme song. God it’s so good. It really captures the essence of the American family. Seeing the Palin girls smiling with headless fish and rockin out to shitty inspirational country music reminds us of those bygone days of Real America. A simpler time where young folks could get make money exploiting their irresponsible life choices and ma could make millions quitting her job as an elected public servent to dedicate her time using Facebook to hate on the president. Oh and theres guns and bears everywhere.
So suck it Tina Fey! Your lamestream liberal “gotcha” comedy stylings are through! If I’ve learned anything from Fox News pundits it’s that without Sarah Palin Tina Fey will be broke, homeless and completely unable to continue a career in the funny person business.
The TLC people won’t allow embedding of their videos but this Gawker link contains the theme song and other dumb moments from the show. Just click this link to watch.