Fun posts, observations, shared videos and other fun by Octavarius, friends, and members of the invasion.
I am a genius: Another Brick In the WALL-E
Blog Posts - I had long been intrigued by the “Dark Side of the Rainbow” phenomenon, in which one can sync up Pink Floyd’s “Dark Side of the Moon” with “The Wizard of Oz” and achieve some very interesting results. The decades-old debate,...
Trans-cultural Britney Spears, polka style
Blog Posts - I’m glad that this timeless Britney Spears classic has wormed it’s way into the hearts of people far outside the target audience. If there’s anything I’ve learned from this video, it’s that I really want to know how to play...
Roommate Of The Year
Blog Posts - The Perfect Roommate Hi there, just your friendly neighborhood Keith here. I would like to enlist the help of the people who frequent this site. I have entered and become a finalist in an online video competition for’s roomate...
Happy CON AIR Day! July 14th!
Blog Posts - Today is the greatest of Holidays! We at Octavarius have been celebrating CON AIR Day before we became a company! Celebrating is easy: get together with friends, watch Con Air, cheer the awesome parts, laugh at the dumb ones, be...
Thank s to everyone who made it to the show last night
Blog Posts - For 10pm on a Monday, there were a bunch of people there. And we all had a bad ass time together. The two gentlemen from Nose Complaint rocked and the ladies from Williams and Martinez were sharp as always. Best...
How to be friends with your flight attendant (show highlight clip)
Blog Posts - This is a clip for our show on June 22nd. More clips are on the way. And if you want to see the real thing, come to the Playground Monday and Tuesday night at 10pm. Tickets are $5 and it’s...
Mola Ram: Unplugged
Blog Posts - This man is quite the improvisor….
Yippie Ki-yay??
Blog Posts - What the hell!?
The Worst Jedi in the World
Blog Posts - Master Jedi Ho Gasm at work. Maybe he needs to head back the academy. (I wanted to embed a YouTube video here, but it seems that only administrators can use embed functions with WordPress. If that’s the case, that’s friggin...
The Dip You Will Never Know
Blog Posts - Tonight I wrote out a very funny, very delicious recipe for the wonderful dip/sauce I came up with today. But right as I finished, the web page did that thing where it goes back and then you lose everything you...