Fun posts, observations, shared videos and other fun by Octavarius, friends, and members of the invasion.
Keith and Tinz make music
Blog Posts - Hey there everyone! Tinz and I would like to take the opportunity to share lots of our music with you. We made a website! So if you are interested, take a look! Oh, and the picture? That’s just what...
FML for James Bond Villians
Blog Posts - Dr. No: I take pride in my metallic claw hands. Today I fell into a pool of radioactive liquid and cant climb the ladder to get out. I am melting and screaming. FML Rose Klebb: I love having a poison...
FML For Presidents III
Blog Posts - Note: This is the 3rd and final installment of a 3-part series. You can find the 1st-15th Presidents here and the 16th-30th Presidents here. Franklin Delano Roosevelt: Today, the Japanese attacked the U.S. Pacific Fleet in Hawaii. Now I’m going...
FML For Presidents II
Blog Posts - Note: This is part 2 of a 3-part series. Part 1 (the 1st-15th Presidents) can be found here. Abraham Lincoln: Today, I realized that I ended the Civil War yet don’t even have enough sway to snag front row theater...
Sad Box 4
Blog Posts - If you enjoy this comic, there are a few more sad box comics on this site. They are all wildly strange. This one is by Keith.
Rorschach the Cable Guy
Blog Posts - Everyone’s favorite comedian, Rorschach the Cable Guy is trying to break into the stand up business on Funny or Die. Rorschach the Cable Guy – watch more funny videos Please help Rorschach the Cable Guy break into the stand up...
FML For Presidents
Blog Posts - Last night, in response to Castellvi’s FML For Movie Characters, I joked that I was going to write a series entitled “FML For Presidents”. Good news – it’s not a joke anymore! Oh, and don’t worry – this is part...
FML for Movie Characters II
Blog Posts - Today, my children were kidnapped by fictional pirates. Apparently I’m Peter Pan and my mom forgot to tell me and now I have to save them in “Neverland”. Oh did I mention I’m scared of heights? FML Today, I was taking the bus to...