Fun posts, observations, shared videos and other fun by Octavarius, friends, and members of the invasion.
How to build a cardboard rocket ship
Blog Posts - Hey there everyone! Since it’s space week, I have been thinking about what role space has played in my life. When I was in 6th grade, my friend Hank and I used to play a space RPG that we made...
Nazi Money and Other Things That Give Rand Paul the Blues
Blog Posts - If you’ve been watching the news or reading political blogs, you may have noticed Republican Senate hopeful Rand Paul buried under a stack of shit bricks. Last week, shortly after winning the Republican primary in Kentucky, Paul was struck with...
Anyone want to date a Russian?
Blog Posts - Sure, some of you read The New York Times, and some of you read The Red Eye…. But you know what I read to get my day started? SPAM! Every morning I walk into work, turn on my computer and...
Podcast: SpAaAaAaAaAce!
Blog Posts - This week’s podcast is all about space. Should we travel to other inhabitable planets once we gain the technology? Is it worth it to endure the rigors of a decades-long space flight to find unexplored territory? Does Mikula still say...
Cloud’s Secret Lady Crush
Blog Posts - Everyone has heard of the “man crush.” Dudes idolize celebrities like Christian Bale and Conan O’Brien for their humor, good looks, and general badassery. But what’s less discussed in social circles is the “lady crush,” and it’s more prominent than...
In the event of the Apocalypse Octavarius will take over Tiger Beat Magazine
Blog Posts - Here is the February 13th 2013 issue of Tiger Beat as described in our Apocalypse podcast. Make sure to check out Keith’s Coupon! SO CUTE!!!
Twitter Cipher: Stan Lee
Blog Posts - As Keith has already pointed out in his post about infuriating things about Twitter, Stan Lee (the creator of many beloved Marvel superheros) is fucking insane. Now #ihaveaboner4 Stan Lee just as much as does any other guy who grew...
Trying to pinch pennies in this post-apocalyptic world?
Blog Posts - Listening to the podcast will help clear up why this isn’t racist. Also, if the coupon above doesn’t say “$2 off any 1lb. bag of Heeb Feed” then you may wanna get out of town.
LeBron James: Quit Playing Basketball and join our group
Blog Posts - I have sent the following email to LeBron’s marketing team at LRMR: I have an exciting proposal for your client, LeBron James. I am aware that he will become a free agent within the next 42 days and I have...