Fun posts, observations, shared videos and other fun by Octavarius, friends, and members of the invasion.
A great use of Youtube.
Blog Posts - I came across this today and really needed to share it with you all. If you like beautiful music and weird ideas, this is for you.
Octavarius musical weekly recap. a week late.
Blog Posts - last week Tinz and I made a song about the posts that went onto, but the file wouldn’t upload and I couldn’t post it until now. So now it’s late and makes less sense. Enjoy! Then check out some...
Podcast: Fear. It’s Scary.
Blog Posts - This week, a podcast listener asks us what we’re afraid of. And as it turns out, we’re afraid of a lot. Listen and find out: Which Octavarius member is prepared for a zombie invasion Why you should or should not...
A Twilight Parody for Lauren
Blog Posts - If you’ve heard Lauren on our podcasts, or read her posts, you will know that she is looking for a nice Jewish vampire to marry. I hope for her sake it doesn’t go like this:
Cleverbot is just as big of a loser as I am
Blog Posts - The following is a conversation I had with Cleverbot, the amazing learning application that has conversations with people, and I wasted this amazing interaction with this new being like this: Cleverbot: Do you know what love is? User: Yes. Cleverbot:...
I’m sorry.
Blog Posts - NOT!!!! Yes, I just made a “Not” joke and you will drink it up. Thanks to Nico Dimattia and his wacky celebrity paintings
You’re Welcome.
Blog Posts - Will Smith Fan Art Points!!!!! Suck it everyone!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! BWo rides again! Thanks to The Huffington Post for alerting the world to this painting
Podcast: I Want (to talk about various aspects of) Candy
Blog Posts - Our good friend Scott “Scotch Dape” Danielson brought us a case of Fun Dip to the last podcast recording. (Seriously, you’ve never seen more Fun Dip in your life.) Now we’ve got candy on our brains. And powder-covered candy sticks...
KFC Double Down- A Video Review.
Blog Posts - Back when the double down first came out, I decided I would try to eat it. This is a 3 part video of before, during, and after the consumption of the Double Down. Yeah. It’s gonna be gross.