Fun posts, observations, shared videos and other fun by Octavarius, friends, and members of the invasion.
Podcast: Grab a beer and listen up.
Blog Posts - We at Octavarius headquarters enjoy a good drink now and then. But the problem with drinking is that sometimes you simply want to be told when to drink according to an agreed-upon system of rules. That’s where drinking games come...
Wikileaks Releases Top Secret Classified Documents Revealing Chris Knows Nothing About Canada
Blog Posts - Alright Americans, during this next week don’t be surprised if you notice Canada acting passive aggressive and generally peeved at us. You see the controversial whistle-blower website Wikileaks is releasing aboot 250,000 classified documents which have the potential to seriously damage...
Leaked Photo for the guest at the Octavarius: So Nefarious – Musicals
Blog Posts - Make sure you don’t miss this Sunday Night’s show at Comedy Sportz!
The Greatest American President
Blog Posts - (As I write this post I am watching the American film classic ‘Air Force One’.)
Fast Food Quest 13: Wend(arb)y’s!
Blog Posts - Hey friends! It’s yet another wonderful installment of my terrible life choice: the Fast Food Quest! Boy oh boy! This certainly is taking a toll on both my body and my wallet, but I feel like it’s worth it. It’s...
Just sing, “I would like a discount!” to get into Octavarius: So Nefarious – Musicals!
Blog Posts - Come to our show! It’s gonna be a great time. There’s also a big surprise. …The invasion has begun…
The Podcast With Jazz Hands.
Blog Posts - This week on the podcast we’re talking about musicals. It seems like you either love ’em or you hate ’em, and there are plenty of valid points for each stance. The idea of a musical is that characters have so...
In Honor of Bread
Blog Posts - Mmm, the week before Thanksgiving! I don’t know about you, but I am looking forward to many delicious carbs on this festive day. I plan on eating buttery croissants, pumpkin tarts, and many other scrumptious baked goods. I am a...
Fast Food Quest 12: Taco B-Hell Yeah.
Blog Posts - Hey Everyone! Welcome back to the FFQ! That’s “Fast Food Quest” for those of you just now joining us! Recently (well, more like a few weeks ago) I had the pleasure of dining at the infamous Taco Bell restaurant! You...