Congratulations, everyone! We did it! We made it to 50 podcasts! Octavarius (and special guest Logan) spend the big five-oh talking about the future. More specifically we’re talking about what the future will be like when we’re all fifty years old. (GET IT!?) We’ve let you, the audience, in on the action via Facebook, Twitter, and our blogTV chat room. Included:

  • Cloud discusses the hippie mentality of a technological takeover
  • Pizza-corn. You guys. PIZZA-CORN.
  • Would you rather be stranded on a desert island with a human or an iPhone (presumably with no reception)?
  • Who in Octavarius is a cylon?
  • Castellvi and I make another expensive bet for the year 2050.

Ulysses S. Grant would have loved this podcast

Thank you all so much for listening and supporting the podcast as well as our other endeavors. We hope to keep putting out free podcasts for you all for the next 50,000 years.

Download our previous podcasts by checking us out at the iTunes Store!
