As a member of any performing group, it’s helpful (and not at all narcissistic) to set a Google Alert for your group name. If you’re not familiar, here’s a quick rundown: I can go to and set an alert for the term “Octavarius”. After that, I get an e-mail whenever a website mentions the name. If someone reviews our show or is otherwise talking about us, I know about it right away and can see it right quick! It also will occassionally THE FUCK IS THIS??

....The fuck is this??

Apparently there’s someone running around the Worldofwarcraftverse besmirching (or glorifying) our good name! Though I know not a single thing about WoW (other than that it makes me say wow!!!!!!), I can tell you that A) this dude was spot-on with the tentaclebeard, and B) he was not spot-on by giving Octavarius a kiltdress. With my limited knowledge, I can only assume that this character has laser vision and a shotgun that he cocks twice.