The invasion continues!

It’s my pleasure to introduce to you the official Octavarius App.

With this smartphone app you will be able to keep up with all of Octavarius’s goings on, including:

  • Site News/Blog Posts
  • Weekly Podcast
  • Facebook Posts
  • Twitter Feed
  • YouTube Channel

The app is available right now.  Just point your mobile browser to

Install the page as a web app (I’m not 100% sure how to do this on non-iPhones, but on iPhone just click the “Add to Homepage” button and you’ll get a nice little Octavarius icon on your screen.) The app has been confirmed as working on iPhones and Android phones, and should work on various other models as well.

We should have a native app available in the iTunes/Droid stores soon, so consider this a pre-alpha-beta 1.000.1a version of the app.  I realize that some things don’t look all pretty and sparkly yet, and we’re working on that. Please email me at if you come across any bugs/problems (and I’m sure you will.) But for now, you can enjoy all of the hilarity Octavarius has to offer right on your mobile phone.

If you’re too lazy to type out that address, point your magic device at your screen and this QR code will take you to the app:

