Keith and I decided to make a great dinner together. We made a nice salad complete with snow peas, red cabbage, onions, spinach, red bell pepper, crimini mushrooms, salt, pepper, and parmano cheese. But fuck salad! This post is all about pizza! Our Jack’s pizza! That’s WAY better than your Jack’s Pizza!

Jack's Pizza is a classic, but not good enough for us. We need to make something AWESOME!
First, we took a sexy Jack’s Pepperoni Pizza (standard, classic, delicious) and we added, sliced crimini mushrooms, we threw some funky-fresh red bell pepper on top o’that, then we added some vitamin A (for AWESOME!) by slammin’ down some spinach just like Emeril (Boom!), on half we added some Italian sausage (for you sausage lovers and we know your out there! Boi-yoi-yoi-yoing!), finally, we took some onions, sliced them paper-thin, and placed them on top so they could get oh-so-fucking tasty!

Ingredients for the best pizza ever!

Don't put Woolite on your pizza! That's POISON!
The result was the most tremendous Jack’s Pizza ever created by us!

The Best Jack's Pizza Ever created by us!

What a gorgeous pizza! See if you can taste it with your imagination. Probably not.
The only thing left to do after we admired our pizza was enjoy it with friends.