I wonder sometimes about marriage. Why do people get married? Why is it so important? Why do people choose to only be with one other person for the rest of their life? It is in this post that I will explore why or why not we should be getting married. Please excuse any tangents and passages that seem less focused. I don’t exactly know how this will end up.
Red text is anti-marriage Keith, Blue text is pro-marriage Keith

This is not Keith
What is marriage?
Wikipedia (an expert on marriage) defines it as “a social union or legal contract between individuals that creates kinship. It is an institution in which interpersonal relationships, usually intimate and sexual, are acknowledged in a variety of ways, depending on the culture or subculture in which it is found.”
So from this, I can infer that marriage is an agreement between 2 people (normally) to share intimate experiences exclusively with each other. But why should it be a legal thing? Can’t people just be married because they say they are?
I suppose marriage must be made legal so to reach a true “Sharing” of each others’ lives.
The Fuck?
Well, if you are really made one (a marriage is a union of two things, and people often talk about people becoming one or something), then you must both have equal ownership of everything you purchase or earn.
I don’t know, why must money and belongings be brought into marriage? Can’t you just agree that everything you share emotionally and intimately is enough? Why would you decide that you must co-own everything? That’s stupid.
Yeah, it is sorta stupid. But that’s not all that marriage is. It is a way to show that you’ve decided that one person is all you really need in this world. Marriage is saying that you’ve found someone so great, you can’t bear to let them go.
Until you divorce them.
Yeah, but that’s not marriage, that’s divorce.

A girl who will stay perfect forever
See I don’t see why you should commit to someone to that extent. What if you change? What if you grow out of love? What if you realize you’ve made a terrible mistake? Now you’ve lost half of everything, are filled with stress, and have wasted however many years it took for you to realize that. Can’t you just agree to be with each other until you change your mind? If it’s meant to be, you’ll end up living a life similar to marriage. So why make it a legal and financial thing?
Is that the only problem? Because you can get married and sign one of those “You don’t get my money or stuff” contracts. And what you described is pretty much marriage. At least how it is now. You get together with someone, live with them, share experiences, and if you fall out of love, you end it. The problem comes with the addition of a family. Which, is probably the main reason that you have to add all of that legal, financial stuff. It’s for the benefit of the children.

I hope my son is a tiny native american.
I guess that’s true. Marriage makes sense if you want them babies. But without babies, its really just advanced dating. I guess if you want to have babies, marriage is the way to go, but if you don’t want a family, you don’t really need to be legally bound. You can still be exclusive, but you don’t need to be married.
Good work, Keith.
Thanks Keith.