First off Dads, good job. I’m sure it’s not easy. I know I didn’t make it easy on my Dad. Luckily, since my days of sister tormenting and curfew defying are over, I can look back and try to appreciate the good fathering I received.

What is everyone doing for Father’s Day?  If anything at all?

This was the first result in a Google image search for "Celebratism"

Seriously, this was the first result in a Google image search for "Celebratism"

But I am not only celebrating as a son today, but also as a devout Celebratist. This is not to be confused with Celebritists, who celebrate celebrities, or Celebitists, who celebrate themselves a lot, but is in fact a fake religion that celebrates celebrating.

Why? Because it means more celebrating.

Celebratism has three tenants:

  1. Celebratism is definitely nothing like Celebitism.
  2. Celebrate every holiday, especially those that call for days off work.
  3. Everyone who joins is a High Priest/Priestess of Celebratism.

We’ll be taking fake converts at the end of this post.

As a High Priest of Celebratism, I am honored to celebrate today with all of you fathers out there.  Keep up the good work.