JoshName: Josh

What do you like to talk about?

What are your favorites?
The Catcher in the Rye, The Sun Also Rises, The Three Musketeers, Waiting for Guffman, The Big Lebowski.

What is your ideal Valentine’s night out?
Drinking at a nasty dive, you get into a knife fight with a bunch of ninjas (and win), we head to your place where you cook me chorizo tacos and feed me grapes from the vine and then we rough each other up on your couch and I head home early, I mean I have to work tomorrow, the hangovers are getting worse than they used to be, do I look like I’m 20 anymore…? Jesus.

Are you a cylon?
No, but I do have secret cancer.

Hang out with Josh at Octavarius: A Titanic of a Heartbreak on February 13 at 7pm at ComedySportz