Ok, so anyone who was at the Octavarius show three weeks ago knows what I’m talking about. Experts are saying that pandas are probably gonna have to die out.

A panda cub reaching his arm out to his mother. Damnit this sucks.
Now I know what you’re saying. “Chris I love pandas! How can this happen?”
And to that I say I DON’T KNOW!
Well, actually, it’s because pandas are extremely rare, have little to no habitat left and don’t really breed in the wild. This means that in order to perpetuate the species scientists have to spend millions of dollars keeping them in captivity. Here’s the link to the depressing article, in case you don’t believe me
With hundreds of other animals in danger of extinction, stupid heartless biologist jerks are beginning to ask, “Why don’t we use these millions of dollars to save other animals that can go into the wild and breed outside of captivity?”
And to that I say look at this.

They’re like big fuzzy humans! They have big eyes and they eat crap that’s really not very good for them!
But all you scientists care about is sex. Just because pandas aren’t bending over like whores to procreate, you think they should just die out like billions of other species throughout the history of Earth’s existence.
I wish scientists would just come around and see that pandas are special. Especially baby pandas. They’re the cutest.

Aw, I just wanna pick him up!
So go ahead scientists. If you think pandas aren’t worth it, then turn your back and let them die. Go spend the money to try to save a dumb ugly animal that’s near extinction. Like a Carrion Eater.

A hideous Carrion Eater
What a stupid ugly bird. I wish they would all just die.