Happy Mother’s Day everyone! Today we all celebrate our mothers. Problem is, some people do not have a mom. Similarly, some animals do not have mothers either.
Thankfully, not all moms must be biologically related to their children. Anyone can have a mom. It’s true! Take a look at these adorable videos for proof.
First, here’s a tiger raising piglets. They’re all dressed up in little tiger outfits. Probably to keep mom from eating them (piglets are delicious).
If that wasn’t adorable enough for you, how about tiger cubs being raised by a kindly golden retriever? It’s true.
So this mother’s day, let your mom know you appreciate what she does for you. Whatever the word mom means to you. As demonstrated, one’s mother does not even need to be of the same species. Check out this video of a wolf raising a baby boy.
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Dang. Well, here’s a picture of a Wolf Boy.
Wah! Ok, he wasn’t technically raised by wolves, but he has something called “Werewolf Syndrome,” which causes him to grow hair all over his body like a wolf. But only during the full moon…
In any case, Happy Mother’s Day!