Blog Posts - The late, great, Mr. Perfect (Curt Henning) was one of my favorite wrestlers growing up. The best part about him was that he actually was that good at every sport. My favorite part about him was the ridiculous vignettes they...
My Jack’s Pizza is WAY better than your Jack’s Pizza
Blog Posts - Keith and I decided to make a great dinner together. We made a nice salad complete with snow peas, red cabbage, onions, spinach, red bell pepper, crimini mushrooms, salt, pepper, and parmano cheese. But fuck salad! This post is all...
California Exploratory Committee finds that Legalized Marijuana would bring in $1.4 BILLION in revenue to the state in taxes alone!
Blog Posts - That’s a lot of GREEN! For “actual” news, you can check the LA Times or Pete Guither’s Drug War Rant.
Emma Watson is adorable
Blog Posts - I know she’s younger, but this girl is just adorable. I wish we could sit together over tea and cake… oh no. Now we’re flying. Actually floating… over the tea and cake, now we’re flying. She’s cute, British, and can...
Drinking Pepsi Throwback is like having sex with an alien
Blog Posts - Recently, LP, Marc, Nick, Tinz, and myself went on a 3 store journey to try new Pepsi Throwback. It’s Pepsi, but with natural sugar. Not to be confused with Pepsi that’s drank in Europe (I’ve had it, it’s different and...
Today, I entered the pantheon of manhood.
Blog Posts - Growing up as an American male I was exposed to many self-sufficient role models. Bob Vila could fix up that old house and make it look easy. Emerson and Thoreau touted the tenets of self-reliance in Self Reliance and Walden,...
Free Association
Blog Posts - I free associated this poem while watching the 6th inning of Cubs v. Indians today, currently the score is Indians:7 Cubs:1. “People We Be” Let’s fly like big birdies in the sky. Big birdies that do it. Do it like...
Richardson Texas loves searching for sexy words on Google
Blog Posts - I was fooling around with Google Trends again, after remembering Tinz’s fun post Google Trends helps me not understand us, and I realized that Google Trends offers another bit of analysis. Google Trends also tracks the top 10 cities that...
Thanks for coming out last night!
Blog Posts - Last night’s show was a bundle of fun! With Marc and Tinz on their respective vacations and Chris and Keith playing at the Aspen Comedy Festival, it was a smaller cast last night, but a show filled with fun. Snagglepuss...
While you’ve been on vacation, I farted on all your pillows.
Blog Posts - This post is a response to My Vacation will be so much better than Marc’s and Viringia is for lovers… of lameness. You guys may be having a wonderful time taking days off work and spending time with your family...