About a year ago, I had become determined to collect every bottle cap from every drink that was consumed at my apartment. The idea of this was to someday use these caps to construct the top of a coffee table that would live on for all of eternity. Almost 12 months have gone by and almost 1500 bottle caps had been amassed, and a few weeks ago I finally built it. I wanted to make a fun, easily recognizable design, so I went with a pixel-for-pixel reconstruction of a sprite for Super Mario World:

There aren't many breweries that use flesh-colored caps, so I made Fake-Tan Mario.
The interesting thing is that since you can’t make much sense of clusters of pixels from close up, many guests are unable to see Mario until they look at the table from a distance.
This was a hyperambitious project, but I still have plenty of leftover caps and would certainly not be opposed to making another piece of cap-art in the near future.